Full Line Product Catalog
Conduit Cleaners
Mud Bucket The fastest way to clear a manhole vault of mud and silt that can’t be cleared by a pump. The bucket is made from sturdy aluminum and has two handles attached to a bailing scoop at four pivot points The components are helium-arc welded, and each point has mechanical steel bushings for top durability The buckets scoop can hold up to 5 quarts (4.73 l) of material in a single catch and has an overall length of 9 ft. 1 in. (276 cm) Just lower the scoop in the hole, using the handles to tilt the scoop and catch unwanted material. Then pull the scoop our by the handles, empty it topside and repeat until the hole has been cleared. You don’t have to enter the hole until you’re done. P/N 70210 Weight: 8 lbs. 4 oz. (3.7 kgs)
Pick Up Lost or broke a duct rod or tool inside the conduit? No problem! Just attach this handy time saver and you’re back in business. The tool attaches to any 3/4 in. (19 mm) -10 NC male duct rod Feed the tool down the duct and the Pick Up’s steel shutter will catch and hold your tool P/N 01013 Weight: 8 lbs. (4 kgs)
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