Full Line Product Catalog
GMP CR Collapsible Power Reel P/N 08136
05609 Link
05602 Fixed Spider
05601 Sliding Spider
05608 Handle
15478 Spindle Assembly with Spring
05615 Shim
05604 Pin
17855 Rivet
03614 Bolt (see note 2) 05610 Plug (see note 1)
05611 Spacer Sleeve
27932 Nut
05612 Spring
Note 1: Plug is screwed into the spindle assembly and locked by a 1/8 roll pin. This pin must be removed by driving it thru the spindle with a punch before trying to remove the plug. Note 2: Remove plug and hold nut with wrench before trying to unscrew the bolt
02253 Spring
28339 Pin
05607 Pin
05606 Pin
05603 Rim Segment
Qty Item No.
MV # MV3H283 MV3H258 MV3H044 MV3H070 MV3H053 MV3H073 MV3H177 MV3H043 MV3H069
Qty Item No.
MV # MV3H180 MV3H255 MV3H192 MV3H138 MV3H072 MV3H291 MV3H274
1 15478 Spindle assembly
1 05610 Plug 1 05612 Spring
1 02253 Spring
1 05602 Fixed spider
1 05611 Spacer Sleeve
1 28339 Pin
1 05608 Handle 6 05606 Pin AR 05615 Shim 1 03614 Bolt
6 05603 Rim-segment
12 05607 Pin 6 05609 Link
1 05601 Sliding spider
1 27932 Nut Locking
1 05604 Pin
20 17854 Cotter pin 1/8 X 1.00L.G.
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