Full Line Product Catalog
Crimping Tools & Inside Wiring
DEConnect Presser This presser is designed to crimp four-, six and eight position modular plugs, plus six-position DECconnect plugs with the offset tang, too. It features a specially designed movable die which holds the DECconnect modular plug and nameplate. Extra dies for conventional handset and eight-position plugs are also available.
Dies P/N
17064 17065
#4 Die for handset plugs 4 x 4
#6 Die for all RJ11 plugs including: 2 x 6, 4 x 6, 6 x 6 stranded plugs 3PR 24GA solid wire plugs, DECconnect (MMJ) plugs** #8 Die for RJ45 plugs including: 8 x 8 stranded plugs except those manufactured by AMP 4PR 24GA solid wire plugs #A8 Die for AMP RJ45 plugs including those for stranded, solid and shielded wire #10 Die for RJ45 10 x 10 plugs #B6 Die for Brand Rex (Unicon TM ) plugs in an RJ11 configuration #B8 Die for Brand Rex (Unicon) plugs in an RJ45 configuration #A6S Die for AMP RJ11 shielded plugs #S8 Die for GMP’s shielded RJ45 plugs. These plugs are used on shielded twisted pair (STP) cable #T6 Die for Lucent RJ11 shark tooth plugs #A6 Die for AMP RJ11 plugs
25943 17095 17100 17096
DECconnect presser w/holster,
1 lb. 11 oz.
17126 25547 25672 25673
tool and #6 Die **This tool (70633) has been modified to crimp the DECconnect (MMJ) modular plugs. With the appropriate dies, it is still compatible to crimp all other types of plugs.
#T8 Die for Lucent RJ45 shark tooth plugs **Requires the presser to be modified at the factory to crimp DECconnect. Each die weighs 2 oz. (.056 kg)
Modular Plug Pressing Kits Our completely inclusive pressing kits are a compact, lightweight pressing center that you can carry anywhere, with everything you need to make hundreds of different modular connections. Our standard kit comes equipped with the Modular Plug Presser, three (3) interchangeable dies (#4, #6, and #8), and one 100-count each of the 4 x 4 handset plugs, 4 x 6, 6 x 6 and 8 x 8 non-keyed plugs,
and 3PR and 4PR 24GA solid wire plugs Within the case, each component is held within a separate, foam-lined compartment
P/N 15305 Standard Kit weight: 4 lbs. (1.814 kg) P/N 15300 DECconnect Kit weight: 4 lbs. 9 oz. (2.07 kg) For someone with the tool in the holster form looking for an easy way to store the plugs, we also offer the case and styrofoam cutout separately. P/N 15324 ABS Case and Styrofoam Cutout only Weight: 1 lb. 7 oz. (.660 kg)
We also offer a special kit which allows you to make DECconnect Crimps. The kit is equipped with the Modified Modular Plug Presser, two (2) interchangeable dies (#6 and #8) and one 100-count of the 4 x 6, 6 x 6 and 8 x 8 non-keyed plugs, the 3PR and 4PR 24GA solid wire plugs and 100 6 x 6 DECconnect plugs.
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